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⋙ Read Free Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs Auburn #1 eBook Valerie Thomas

Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs Auburn #1 eBook Valerie Thomas

Download As PDF : Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs Auburn #1 eBook Valerie Thomas

Download PDF  Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs Auburn #1 eBook Valerie Thomas

From humble beginnings to the voice of the counterculture.

In a few years , Auburn will be the band everyone’s heard of. Their name will be the one up in lights, their show will be the one everyone pays to see. They'll live in fancy mansions, play in sold out stadiums, and sign autographs for a hundred bucks a pop.

But now? Now they're just three kids in a garage, playing cheap covers of famous songs. Now their parents struggle to make ends meet. Now they don’t know where they’ll end up or how they’ll get there. They write songs for the joy of it and perform anywhere that will have them. For now—at least—they don’t know what it’s like to be anything other than outcasts and underdogs.

This novel is the first in a trilogy detailing the assent of Auburn, all the way from their humble beginnings to superstardom.

Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs Auburn #1 eBook Valerie Thomas

I really enjoyed reading this book, and I'm not usually the kind of person who enjoys reading books about kids in high school so that says a lot about how good it is. There are a lot of 'teenager problems' in the book, but it felt really good and had a lot of depth to it. The characters were all very interesting, but the feature of the story that really brought it to life was the music.

There is a lot of attention paid to the music, and the creation of music, and overcoming stage fright. The main character isn't used to being in front of people and doesn't have a lot of confidence. As the novel progresses, the characters get older and more confident, and I like the way the music brings them together. Whether its getting the first payment from a fan and framing it or dealing with kind hearted rejections (which hurt all the worse) this novel has a lot of depth.

It's final notes are about forgiveness and finding the best in people, even the ones that are hard to forgive. This book has a lot of meaningful messages, and I think anyone who likes reading books about teenagers and high school will really enjoy this novel!

Product details

  • File Size 1132 KB
  • Print Length 231 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Ebbing Neptune Publishing; 1 edition (October 31, 2015)
  • Publication Date October 31, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B0175TS9ZQ

Read  Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs Auburn #1 eBook Valerie Thomas

Tags : Auburn: Outcasts and Underdogs (Auburn #1) eBook: Valerie Thomas: Kindle Store,ebook,Valerie Thomas,Auburn: Outcasts and Underdogs (Auburn #1),Ebbing Neptune Publishing,Fiction Coming of Age,Juvenile Fiction Performing Arts Music
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Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs Auburn #1 eBook Valerie Thomas Reviews

I found the characters intriguing and easy to get to know. It was a lot of fun to get insights into their lives. The 1st person perspective really added to it. Thomas develops her main character well, portraying life as a teen without being detrimental to the story. The mix of issues that are dealt with throughout are absolutely earth shattering. Thomas deals with them in a straightforward manner that really allowed me to look at them from every side. I liked the underdog aspects of the novel, it made the characters easier for me to connect with. At the same time, I did find the plot itself difficult to immerse myself completely into. It was well presented and put together. It was simply that the author’s writing style, although quite well put together, just wasn’t my thing.

This was a uniquely hard hitting and intensely intriguing novel. It was a powerful look at what many modern teens face today while also being an entertaining read.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
Didn't finish the book
I enjoyed this book. The characters were well rounded and most issues in their lives were resolved in a non-traditional manner.
This book was fantastic!! I loved the characters in the story and I felt for the struggles that each character went through. I highly recommend this story to all.
This book surprised me. When I first read what it was about, I thought, why would this be interesting, dealing with teenagers, but the author brings to light a lot of huge issues out there for teenagers. One is bullying and it can affect someone and the relationships around them. I do wish she would have gone deeper into Ashley's relationship with her mom and Kent because it feels like that story hasn't been told yet. Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book.
Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs is a teen-YA novel told in the first person narrative from a teenage girl's perspective. Reading this book was like stepping in to a time machine and going back to highschool. Ashley (the Narrator) is a freshman in highschool, who feels lost, different, and quite frankly an 'Outcast'. Thankfully, to lessen her loneliness, she befriends and joins Joey & Charlie's band.

This isn't usually my genre of book, but I was thoroughly impressed with the realism of it. Even though the book is predominantly about Ashley's struggle with being bullied, or the hard work of trying to start a band that actually amounts in popularity, it was neither whiney nor filled with eye-rolling teen angst. The author beautifully wrote a modern and realistic portrayal of any teenage girl who has ever felt alienated or different than the rest of her peers, but still holds on to her dreams and humanity. Plus, there are song lyrics written that tease you in to desperately wanting to hear the music behind it! This is a highly recommended book for any rebellious soul who wishes to rekindle their youth, or to simply understand the troubled souls who'd strum the guitar beneath the stairwells of your old alma mater.
Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs is a thoroughly enjoyable young adult novel about Ashley, a high school freshman who doesn't seem to fit in with the crowd. Tough circumstances at home only add to her unease. But then she begins to find her confidence through her music. She becomes the singer in a band she and two guy friends put together.

Over the course of a year and a half, they enjoy some success with the band, and Ashley confronts one of her tormentors at school. But even then, Ashley remains complicated and self-centered - in other words, a teenager.

At the end of the story, Ashley's relationship with Charlie is still unsettled, inviting the reader to check out the sequel.

The author also includes lyrics to the band's most popular songs.

The story, told from Ashley's point of view, is clearly written and easy to follow. It would make a great gift for a teenage girl who is struggling to find her place in the social confusion we call high school.
I really enjoyed reading this book, and I'm not usually the kind of person who enjoys reading books about kids in high school so that says a lot about how good it is. There are a lot of 'teenager problems' in the book, but it felt really good and had a lot of depth to it. The characters were all very interesting, but the feature of the story that really brought it to life was the music.

There is a lot of attention paid to the music, and the creation of music, and overcoming stage fright. The main character isn't used to being in front of people and doesn't have a lot of confidence. As the novel progresses, the characters get older and more confident, and I like the way the music brings them together. Whether its getting the first payment from a fan and framing it or dealing with kind hearted rejections (which hurt all the worse) this novel has a lot of depth.

It's final notes are about forgiveness and finding the best in people, even the ones that are hard to forgive. This book has a lot of meaningful messages, and I think anyone who likes reading books about teenagers and high school will really enjoy this novel!
Ebook PDF  Auburn Outcasts and Underdogs Auburn #1 eBook Valerie Thomas

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